Aggiornamento programmi Letteratura inglese III 2012-13 prof. Parlati

Domenica 24 Marzo 2013 18:16 Marilena Parlati

Ho inserito i programmi da 4 cfu e quelli per non frequentanti. Per maggiore chiarezza (tipografica) li riporto qui:

Reading List:

Primary: All texts can be downloaded from,, or LION (only from Unical intranet) Suggested published versions: Oxford University Press, Penguin


Keats, J., “Ode on a Grecian Urn”

Collins, W., The Moonstone

Dickens, C., The Old Curiosity Shop

Trollope, A., The Eustace Diamonds

Doyle, A. C., “Lot 249”

Wells, H. G., Tono-Bungay


Critical works:

Cattaneo, A. A Short History of English Literature, Milano, Mondadori, vol. 1, chapters on the Eighteenth, Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries

Freedgood, E. The Ideas in Things: Fugitive Meaning in the Victorian Novel, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006 (selected parts)

Parlati, M., Oltre il moderno. Orrori e tesori del lungo Ottocento inglese, Milano, Mimesis, 2012

Scanlan, J., On Garbage, London, Reaktion Books, 2005 (introduction, chapter 1, 2)

Materials on each literary text will be suggested during the course. Some variations and integrations in the bibliography may occur. Students will be duly informed.




Keats, J., “Ode on a Grecian Urn”

Collins, W., The Moonstone

Dickens, C., The Old Curiosity Shop

Trollope, A., The Eustace Diamonds

Critical works

Cattaneo, A. A Short History of English Literature, Milano, Mondadori, vol. 1, chapters on the Eighteenth, Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries Freedgood, E. The Ideas in Things: Fugitive Meaning in the Victorian Novel, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006 (introduction)

Parlati, M., Oltre il moderno. Orrori e tesori del lungo Ottocento inglese, Milano, Mimesis, 2012



Keats, J., “Ode on a Grecian Urn” Collins, W., The Moonstone Dickens, C., The Old Curiosity Shop Trollope, A., The Eustace Diamonds Doyle, A. C., “Lot 249” H. G. Wells, Tono-Bungay

Critical works: Cattaneo, A. A Short History of English Literature, Milano, Mondadori, vol. 1, chapters on the Eighteenth, Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries

Freedgood, E. The Ideas in Things: Fugitive Meaning in the Victorian Novel, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006 (introduction)

Parlati, M., Oltre il moderno. Orrori e tesori del lungo Ottocento inglese, Milano, Mimesis, 2012

Scanlan, J., On Garbage, London, Reaktion Books, 2005

David, D. (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel, Cambridge UP, 2004 (available on line from Unical intranet)


4 CFU (non-attending students)

Keats, J., “Ode on a Grecian Urn”

Collins, W., The Moonstone

Dickens, C., The Old Curiosity Shop

Trollope, A., The Eustace Diamonds

Doyle, A. C., “Lot 249”

H. G. Wells, Tono-Bungay


Cattaneo, A. A Short History of English Literature, Milano, Mondadori, vol. 1, chapters on the Eighteenth, Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries

Parlati, M., Oltre il moderno. Orrori e tesori del lungo Ottocento inglese, Milano, Mimesis, 2012

David, D. (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel, Cambridge UP, 2004 (available on line from unical intranet)